3.6. textgame.globals

This is a collection of predefined messages that get returned to the user. If you don’t like them, modify them like this:

from textgame.globals import MOVING
MOVING.FAIL_CANT_GO = "It's not possible to go there"
class textgame.globals.ACTION

Bases: tuple

ALREADY_CLOSED = 'The door is already closed.'
ALREADY_OPEN = 'The door is already open.'
FAIL_DROP = "You don't have one."
FAIL_NO_KEY = 'You have no keys!'
FAIL_OPEN = 'None of your keys fit.'
FAIL_OPENDIR = "I can only {0} doors if you tell me the direction. Eg. '{0} west'."
FAIL_TAKE = "You can't take that."
NOW_OPEN = 'You take the key and {} the door.'
NO_INVENTORY = "You don't have anything with you."
NO_SUCH_ITEM = 'I see no {} here.'
OWN_ALREADY = 'You already have it!'
SUCC_DROP = 'Dropped.'
SUCC_TAKE = 'You carry now a {}.'
WHICH_ITEM = 'Please specify an item you want to {}.'
class textgame.globals.DESCRIPTIONS

Bases: tuple

DARK_L = "It's pitch dark here. You can't see anything. Anytime soon, you'll probably get attacked by some night creature."
DARK_S = "I can't see anything!"
NOTHING_THERE = "There's nothing here."
NO_SOUND = "It's all quiet."
class textgame.globals.FIGHTING

Bases: tuple

ALREADY_DEAD = 'The {} is already dead!'
ALREADY_GONE = 'The {} is already gone.'
ATTACK = 'You attack the beast.'
DARK_DEATH = 'A {} certainly has better night vision than you do. At least this was a fast and painless death for you.'
DEATH = 'Your enemy has gone fully berserk. Badly injured and somewhat aghast of your own inferiority in this fight, you crawl backwards, a last hopeless attempt in saving your life. Goodbye, blue sky.'
DEFEND_REMINDER = 'You must defend yourself! A {} is a serious threat to your life.'
IGNORE = 'Ignoring such a dangerous beast is a really bad idea.'
LAST_ATTACK = 'For dear life you start one last attack against the fiend.'
LOSER = "You should consider working on your fighting technique. Your amateurish attempts didn't stop the {} from killing you."
NO_MONSTER = 'There is no {} to attack.'
SUCCESS = 'You killed the {}.'
SURVIVED_ATTACK = 'The {} has survived your attack and is very angry at you!'
WHAT = 'Attack what?'
class textgame.globals.INFO

Bases: tuple

HINT_WARNING = 'I have a hint for you, but it will cost you {} points. Do you want to hear it?'
NIGHT_COMES_IN = 'The sun has set. Night comes in.'
NOTHING = 'Nothing happens.'
NOT_UNDERSTOOD = "I don't understand that."
NO_HINT = "I don't have any special hints for you."
SCORE = 'Your score is {}.'
TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS = 'Please restrict your command to two words.'
YES_NO = 'Please answer yes or no.'
class textgame.globals.MOVING

Bases: tuple

DEATH_BY_COWARDICE = "Coward! Running away from a fight is generally not a good idea. Your back doesn't defend itself.\n"
FAIL_ALREADY_LOCKED = 'The door is already locked!'
FAIL_CANT_GO = "You can't go in this direction."
FAIL_DOOR_LOCKED = 'The door is locked.'
FAIL_NOT_DIRECTION = "That's not a direction."
FAIL_NO_DOOR = 'There is no door in this direction.'
FAIL_NO_MEMORY = "I can't remember where you came from."
FAIL_NO_WAY_BACK = 'There is no direct way to go back.'
FAIL_TRAPPED = "You're trapped! You can't leave this room for now."
FAIL_WHERE = 'Tell me where to go!'
SUCC_DOOR_LOCKED = 'The door is now locked!'